3 reasons why coding is had

Here are some reasons why coding is hard to learn and also solution to help overcome the difficulties when learning to code:

  1. When learning to code you develop a new way of thinking and how to problem solve by writing code. Most developers often place themselves in Panic Learning mode because they think of what Language is new or most in demand and they always find themselves either switching between programming languages without having good knowledge of it or they end up learning 5 languages at a time.


    • You have to realize learning takes time and dedication, besides learning about the language itself you have to build a habit for problem solving, studying a problem and understanding how to apply a technical solution to it by writing code.
    • You have to stick to one language and be proficient at it by practicing always.
  2. People face challenges of studying from a tutorial that isn't compatible with their usual learning process. There are ways we learn quickly and understand better individually even as programmers and studying from a resource for example a video tutorial or coding bootcamp where the teaching pattern doesn’t align with the way you learn, then it becomes a bigger issues because you will spend alot of time trying to understand a particular topic.


    • Learn coding the way that works best for you either through Video tutorials, Documentations, Books and Blog posts.
  3. Imposter Syndrome, the feeling that you are not good enough. This is a wide spread mental disease that affect both Junior and Senior Software developer's / engineer's. Most times it is caused by setting unrealistic expectations for yourself and when you don't successfully achieve those expectations you feel like you are not good enough. Imposter syndrome delays your growth process as a programmer learning and working.


    • Practice more and continue practicing.
    • Don't create unrealistic goals for yourself.
    • Appreciate each step you make as a progress even if you fail, understand that it is normal, you just need to settle down and find a solution there are thousands of resources online to help you.
    • Don't force yourself to retain all the steps and syntax just write them down.

These are some reasons why coding is difficult to learn, overcoming these challenges will make you better at what you do.

This is also applicable to other professional field.

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